
GinJinn2 - Leucanthemum dataset

Stable Identifier

For the dataset:
For version 1 of the dataset:


Lautenschlager, U.; Ott, T.; Oberprieler C. and Vogt, R. (2021). GinJinn2 - Leucanthemum dataset. [Dataset]. Data Publisher: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin. https://data.bgbm.org/dataset/gfbio/0034/


Version Date Comment Format Download
12021-10-26a zip files, containing 303 images and a JSON file for image annotations. Total size: ≈ 1.28 GiB. (original data)COCO Image Annotation Formatdownload icon


License LogoCreative Commons Zero (CC0) 1.0 (for the COCO annotation files)
License LogoCreative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) 3.0 (for the herbarium scans)


Leucanthemum dataset from exemplary GinJinn2 analyses. The dataset comprises digital images of herbarium specimens, where intact leaf instances are annotated with polygons in COCO format.

Additional Info

Creators Ulrich Lautenschlager , Tankred Ott
Contributors Christoph Oberprieler , Dr. Robert Vogt
Technical Contact biodiversitydata@bgbm.org
Last updated 2021-10-26
Created 2021-10-26
Record Basis Multimedia Object
Keyword(s) object detection, deep learning, herbarium specimen